Group Detail

Pam, Nidhi, & Teresa

ABIDE SMALL GROUP: We're an all ages and stages group that meets on SUN @ 1:40 pm (after 12:15pm), Liquid Upstairs Star War Room. We learn, grow and serve together in HIM. Come-Join and GROW with us TOGETHER!!! We usually meet every other Sun; however, during the group series, we might meet more frequently. We are hungry to GROW in the LORD and in the foundation of HIS WORDS and PRAYERS. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7 A life ROOTED in GOD stands FIRM! Proverbs 12:3

Group Details

  • Location Parsippany, NJ
  • Meeting Day Sunday
  • Start Time Afternoon
  • Meeting Style In Person
  • Child Friendly No Childcare / Adults Only
  • Campus Morris County (Parsippany)

Connect with Pam, Nidhi, & Teresa

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